Posts filed under ‘Mαττ’s Posts’

Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War

OK, here’s an AWESOME game that I’m aiming to buy.

It’s called Ace Combat Zero, it’s basically a Flight Combat Sim, but there are missions, levels, etc.

Basically, the game is about two made up countries that go to war with each other, not to interesting, right? Wrong, there are top of the line graphics, awesome planes, and supposedly the rare dose of multi-player in the game really rocks.

Here are some pics



OK, now you’ve seen the graphics, but they’re not the only cool part, the game series is supposedly the best flight series ever, (I’ve only played it once) There are literally 30 different planes, and your general guy gets SUPER mad at you if you disobey orders (You can say “Yes” or “No” to all of his orders or questions :mrgreen: )… Ace Combat Zero is for the PS2, but they also have… Ace Combat 6 for the Xbox, and Ace Combat X for the PSP… (And Ace combat 1-5 for the PS2, but Zero is more new)(Hey! I rhymed!)

For more on the game go here

I say it’s worth the money…

P.S I currently have $45/$60 In The AC Fund (I need a new PS2 memory card 😦 )


February 3, 2009 at 7:01 pm 5 comments

Weird Al

Don’t forget the Poll!

Oooo… Weird Al!

Weird Al is a person who makes parodys… Basically he makes fun of other songs. He’s a pretty interesting guy, here’s a picture…

Yes, he may be weird (hence WEIRD AL), but his music is quiet awesome.. Here are some of his songs…

Ebay (my favorite) 

Parody of: “I Want it That Way”   😆

Trapped in the Drivethru

Parody of: “Trapped in The Closet”

White and Nerdy

Parody of: “Ridn’ Dirty”

The Saga Begins

Parody of: “American Pie”

Lastly,  Amish Paradise

Parody of: “Gangsta’s Paradise”

Those are my personal favorites, sorry if there are one or two bad words in the songs but you have to admit, they are pretty funny. :mrgreen:

That was a random post brought to you by…


January 29, 2009 at 7:28 pm 4 comments

I Present to you… Java & Shiloh!

Before reading this post please answer the following poll…

My dogs have always wanted to be famous… So to encourage their dream… I’m posting some of their pictures on the blog! (Don’t worry stalkers, these pictures don’t show any details of where I might or do live 😀 )


Here’s a picture of them relaxing outside (Note the Awesome Tar heels Sweaters)


This is a one of Java when he was little… (His name is Java because he is a coffee-like color) Oh! I forgot to tell you, the dogs are Mini-Beagles, Java is a Chocolate Mini-Beagle and Shiloh is a Khaki Mini-Beagle :mrgreen:

and finally…


A picture of them laying together… Awwww…. He he hoped you liked the pics, post ya later


January 24, 2009 at 11:14 am 9 comments

Hooray! This is officially the first review on the site!

Today I will be reviewing, Miniclip is a “Game Hosting” Site as I like to call it and is home to hundreds of games (928 to be exact).


Miniclip are also the people that helped Club Penguin achieve stardom. That’s how I found CP actually, by searching Miniclip. Now I have to admit all of the games aren’t that good, how could they be with 928?! But the name usually tells you whether or not you should play the game. Here are some of my top picks.

Monkey Snow fight


Canyon Defense

Snow Line

Don’t forget, there are hundreds more!

Still in Beta at miniclip is the Miniclip Players Zone, where you can create your own player, and save ALL the scores from every game you’ve played while your logged in. You can then check how good you are compared to your country and even the whole world!

Best of all you can challenge other players scores, and if you can beat them you will gain points and eventually advance in rank. There are even customized trophies if you only have the knack for that certain game. Here is a picture of my player profile.


(Don’t ask about the background)

Here’s a link to the player page,

Players Home

——–The Bottom Line——–

Accessibility: 8.5/10, Most games don’t require any downloads, only a few actually do (unless you happen to have FireFox, then only a slight amount more will)

Games: 7/10: As I told you not all the games are perfect, but some are pretty close.

Appearance: 9/10 The site looks modern, and doesn’t have any pop-ups!

Navigation: 8/10 Good links, and a helpful bar at the bottom of the page that has a link to EVERY SINGLE GAME!

Overall: 32.5/40

The bottom line? A good website with good games that is expertly run. I go there almost every time I use the computer (and I have bookmarked it). Some of the games are inapropriet, but not that many (Hint: Don’t play any political games they are normally… Let’s say interesting) So check out Miniclip and be sure to tell us what you thought of this review.

January 6, 2009 at 6:50 pm 5 comments

Grand Re-Opening Post!

Hey Welcome, I’m Jake.There’s no idea of what I’ll write about (unless I tell you 😕 then you’ll know) I’m an inside sort of person 80% of the time, Wii, computer, and reading. Yes – reading,  9/10 kids I know hate reading and would rather do sports. Hey don’t get me wrong I like (American) Soccer but I like reading too 😛

I’m a huge Disney fan, not Disney channel or that, the Disney-Pixar movies and Disney theme parks. I’ve been on the Disney Cruise too! (only for 3 days) I lost count of our family’s Walt Disney World Trips (over 15) and we don’t live in Florida!

I have 2 green thumbs, why? When I was 3 my grandma and I planted 6 lemon seeds and 5 of them got pulled because they looked like weeds :mrgreen: But that died when I was 8 and my Dad and I decided to plant a pineapple its large and I bought a mini pineapple at Disney, grandparents got me another lemon tree, which has a half size lemon!I have a banana plant now! Check out the Banana Page to see its growth!

I’d like to be more eco-friendly because our science teacher says Florida will be underwater in 20 years which for me totaly sucks (and scares me, anyone seen The Day After Tomorrow?) because of Disney World…

Enough about me on to Matt!


Well hullo there, I’m Matt, I like reading, math, and most importantly baseball. Sometimes when I’ll be writing post, it could be anything, from the Environment (where I live there are a lot of hippies) to the Olympics. Unlike Jake, plants hate me, every thing I touch either dies… Or gets eaten by rabbits…

Most people that know me would say that I’m… 25% Random, 50% Logical, 25% annoying, and I have no imagination at all 😛 … And like Jake probably mentioned in his part of the post most kids I know would ditch reading for sports, I’m probably 50/50 – I like sports, and I like reading, ( even though I play sports more often 😉 ) . As much as I like stalkers :mrgreen: , they will not be allowed on this site, that means no asking for E-Mail, phone number, or address. Stalking is not fun for the stalked (although it may be for the stalkers 😀 ) Thats Matt for ya’

So that about wraps up the Grand Opening Post, I hope you guys come back!


September 4, 2008 at 5:10 pm 4 comments

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I am kid who loves all sports known to man, Cheez-Its, and pie more than anything else. My favorite subject in school is Math, and Jake will often say that I do not have any imagination. One of my favorite hobbies is... Annoying people! My favorite quote: "The pen is mightier than the sword... And considerably easier to write with."

-Marty Feldman


A kid who likes taking things apart and finding how they work and trying to improve them. A kid who loves drawing, Disney, and computers. A kid who is unique and funny. Quote: If you can dream it, you can do it.

-Walt Disney